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Take three buttons and put them on the left of your table. Then find another button on the right and walk it over to the the pile of three buttons on the left. Then count the buttons and find that you now have four.

Take three fingers and count them. Other fingers stay down. Put the fourth finger up. Count all four fingers.

Put three books on the floor. Then go somewhere else in the room and pick up another book. Bring it back to the pile of three books. Count the pile of books from one to four.

When this concept is THOROUGHLY understood, repeat it with three and add two. Then start with two and add two or maybe three. Do this over and over until the constant repetition makes it just plain easy for your child to do. Keep adding another until you are actually counting ten items but the number being added to the first pile varies each time. This means that the first pile may also change its number.

You may not want to use books each time. Use candy, cakes, stones, pencils, and anything you can think of to count, and add to your count.

Put paper plates on the floor and step on them with one foot much like hopscotch. Count each step and learn to add another step: Step one... Add one more... Now it's two steps.... Add two more steps... Now it's four steps, etc.

Count and add cans of pop.

Count and add canned food from the cupboard.

Count and add oranges.

Count and add grapes.

Count and add popcorn.

Every time you have the opportunity, write the corresponding numbers: 1+1=2, 3+2=5, 4+1=6, etc.



Do it like this:

Write the problem on a paper:


* + ** = *** (illustrate the problem)

Say, "One".

Say, "Plus two".

Say, "Equals three".



Do it like this:

Write the problem on a paper:


*** + **** = ******* (illustrate the problem)

Say, "Three".

Say, "Plus four".

Say, "Equals Seven".

Continue writing different problems on your paper that total any number up to ten.

Continue showing the illustrations of the problems.

Continue saying, "plus" and "equal" even if you have to explain the meanings each time you say the word.

Mix up your problems. Repeat often.

When you feel your child THOROUGHLY understands this concept then you may want to go on to the next lesson on subtraction. Click here to go to the next level.