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Dear Supervisor,

Following is the test for SCHEDULE B which follows lessons six, seven and eight of Step One. READ ALL OF THIS FIRST AND DO NOT SHOW THIS PAGE TO YOUR STUDENT!

Your student may take part one of the test, have a break, and continue with part two. I want a record of the time it took to complete the test and the length of time given for a break, please.

You are the supervisor. It is your responsibility to make sure that you can pronounce every word correctly without a noticeable accent. If you cannot do this, then please ask a friend who can say the words accurately to assist you. Your student can only answer the questions as he or she HEARS the words.

NOTICE: The following questions are to be answered ONLY according to what has been taught in the first eight lessons of Step One. Certain answers which may appear to be correct will not be marked as accurate if the material has not been presented in the first eight lessons of Step One. This test is based ONLY on the precise material covered therein.


Please number your paper or email message page from 1 through 30 in preparation for the answers to the following test questions:

Read this test aloud to your student slowly and clearly. Do NOT allow your voice inflections to give away the answers. Record your student's responses accurately. You MAY be asked to repeat. Repetition is fine BUT repeat it only ONCE! After that, mark the response as negative.




****Answer the questions****

1. What words have the short sound of the letter a?

a) ache

b) rage

c) trash

d) basket

2. What words have the short sound of the letter e?

a) weak

b) bled

c) please

d) slept

3. What words have the short sound of the letter i?

a) it

b) Tim

c) rid

d) if

4. What words have the short sound of the letter o?

a) rope

b) hop

c) not

d) odd

5. What words have the short sound of the letter u?

a) universal

b) rude

c) unlikely

d) bucket

6. What words have the short sound of the letter a?

a) cake

b) rattle

c) braid

d) apples

7. What words have the short sound of the letter e?

a) scheme

b) rhyme

c) fetch

d) letter

8. What words have the short sound of the letter i?

a) lice

b) signature

c) riddance

d) hiding

9. What words have the short sound of the letter o?

a) pope

b) mopping

c) knowledge

d) folded

10. What words have the short sound of the letter u?

a) sunny

b) supper

c) clue

d) turning

****Write the missing vowel:****

11. _____ is a cry baby who cries all the time:

12. The long sound is in Eat. The short sound is in egg. The vowel is _____

13. ________is the sound the pig makes when he tries to get out of the pen.

14. The long sound is in Item. The short sound is in inch. The vowel is _____

15. _____ is like an old man who needs a hearing aid and has difficulty understanding what was said to him.

16. The long sound is in Old. The short sound is in odd. The vowel is _____

17. The long sound is in Universe. The short sound is in umbrella. The vowel is _____

18. _____ is the sound the doctor asks you to make when he wants to look at your throat.

19. _____ is the sound a weight lifter makes when he lifts his weights high over his head.

****True or False****
Listen! Use your ear to decide if you hear
the sound of each vowel below. Rely only
on the material you have studied in
Lessons 1 - 8 for your answers.

20. Aa Sounds like the a in cat.

21. Ee Sounds like the e in cattle.

22. Ii Sounds like the y in hype.

23. Oo Sounds like the o in home.

24. Uu Sounds like the a in what.

25. ****Copy the following song and identify the long and short vowels by writing L or S by each.****

* AA
* a
* EE
* e
* II
* iii
* OO
* o
* UU
* u
* a e i o u

****Answer the questions.****

26. Which word has short a? ate am

27. Which word has short e? eat egg

28. Which word has long i? ice it

29. Which word has short o? only odd

30. Which word has short a? unite up




Please number your paper or email message page from 1 through 45 in preparation for the answers to the following test questions:

*****Answer the questions.*****

1. Which words DO NOT have the short a sound?
apple aim and answer plane rate add

2. Which words DO NOT have the short e sound?
feet scheme errand either fear bread Fred

3. Which words DO NOT have the sound of b?
braid bubble bleed best tab brag sped

4. Which words DO NOT have the same sounds as those of c?
copy class kiss picture crumb cyst church saint

5. Which words DO NOT have the sound of d?
dog Eddie fondle dine rabies drag sped

6. Which words DO NOT have the sound of e?
seal struggle egg best freeze stole poem

7. Which words DO NOT have the same sounds as those of f?
fish phone fast if phonics freshen fatter

8. Which words DO NOT have the same sounds as those of g?
great agitate grub scrub message hardware gym

9. Which words DO NOT have the sound of h?
heading through hoe happy scratch share hopping

10. Which words DO NOT have the sound of i?
braid fine wrinkle sprinkle hiding it hype

11. Which words DO NOT have the sound of j?
jump joyful jam gymnastics jungle great gypsy

12. Which words DO NOT have the sounds of k?
kind careful cancer camera kite city speed know

13. Which words DO NOT have the sound of L?
little love listen land tell all nice spleen

14. Which words DO NOT have the sound of m?
muscle nudge mixer naughty slim splendor spam

15. Which words DO NOT have the sound of n?
brain reign mane memory mending no spine

16. Which words DO NOT have the sound of o?
boat rope rot hoping coat moon cattle

17. Which words DO NOT have the sound of p?
piglet doppler supper prison tub pray prone phonics

18. Which words DO NOT have the sound of q?
queen quack quick unique antique meek quit

19. Which words DO NOT have the sound of r?
braid rubble blister write sinister drag speed

20. Which words DO NOT have the sound of s as found in the word sister?
selfish poems sound fish show is his spread

21. Which words DO NOT have the sound of t?
touch tickle transfer rat stuff snuff hitch

22. Which words DO NOT have the sounds of u?
umbrella bubble you under wonder hunter gnat up

23. Which words DO NOT have the sound of v?
vampire have hive vex wet stove wax

24. Which words DO NOT have the sound of w?
wrinkle written wagon when weep wipe walnut

25. Which words DO NOT have same sounds as the sounds found in the consonant x?
Xray flex Kissinger mixer Kansas clocks rocks

26. Which words DO NOT have the consonant sound of y?
fry bubble yesterday yawn yeow crying yellow

27. Which words DO NOT have the sound of z?
zebra wheeze whiz his is as Zeke

*****Answer the questions.*****

28. Which words DO NOT have the sound of the letter b?

a) bride

b) bead

c) dreadful

d) blocks

29. Which words DO NOT have the sound of the letter d?

a) big

b) add

c) drive

d) hub

30. Which words DO NOT have the sound of the letter h?

a) had

b) ahoy

c) Phonics

d) happy

31. Which words DO NOT have the sound of the letter p?

a) piggyback

b) dig

c) purse

d) dine

32. Which words DO NOT have the short sound of the letter a?

a) skate

b) haste

c) handkerchief

d) waiting

33. What words are misspelled because they are missing a vowel sound?

a) prtty

b) fnsh

c) planing

d) freshr

34. What words are misspelled because they are missing a vowel sound?

a) diggng

b) daddy

c) drve

d) hbble

35. What word has the short sound of the letter e?

a) heed

b) sledding

c) priestly

d) cleaner

36. What word has the short sound of the letter i?

a) island

b) whine

c) tried

d) inner

37. What are the vowels?

a) aequin

b) oupim

c) aeiu

d) aeiou

38. What word has the short sound of the letter o?

a) sloppier

b) slope

c) throwing

d) older

39. What word has the short sound of the letter u?

a) universal

b) antique

c) underneath

d) utilize

40. Which words have the short sound of the letter a?

a) blame

b) rat

c) peach

d) applet

41. What words have the short sound of the letter e?

a) team

b) finest

c) petting

d) steeple

42. What words have the short sound of the letter i?

a) splice

b) sign

c) bib

d) hide

43. What word has the short sound of the letter o?

a) hopefully

b) Godlike

c) know

d) folding

44. What word has the short sound of the letter u?

a) universe

b) funniest

c) blue

d) turn

45. *****Copy the following words and identify the vowels as long or short by writing L or S next to the word*****

* deed
* hub
* Phonics
* dig
* after
* sled
* in
* flop
* cup
* apple
* pet
* bib
* God
* funny