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Lesson Two (Section Two)


With each dramatic story, exaggerate by tone and facial expressions. Put your hand over the student's hand and point to the letter, or letters, that the drama emphasizes Make D, d, E, e, F and f separately with marker on six index cards. Otherwise you may purchase your own set of flash cards. At no time should the student be allowed to become distracted during the time of the storytelling.

  1. Find a quiet place for just you and your student.
  2. Have the flash cards prepared ahead of time for D, d, E, e, F and f
  3. Be already familiar with the stories you are about to relate.
  4. Capture your student's attention even if you have to offer a small reward following the lesson (i.e. cookies!).
  5. Did you practice telling the story to yourself in the mirror? Should you have?



Using dramatic exaggeration, relate the following stories and have the student point to the letters emphasized.


Dd Dee-molition Dee went to the park to play. (Be sure to pronounce the name of D very clearly when you say the name of the child in this story.)

There Dee-molition Dee found a dog. (Bark like a dog!) "Run little Dee, the dog's after you!" Dee-molition Dee just sat down and cried. (Make crying sounds!) "Poor Dee-molition Dee!"


Everything is eeeeeasy for E. EEEEEEE likes to play. It is eeeeeeeeasy to do. EEEEEEE enjoys working because it is eeeeeeeasy for him.


Ff EF EF EF FUM! Effie's caught inside a drum! EF EF EF FUMMER! Watch out for the drummer! (Make boom boom sounds and cry "Help!" with each sound.)



  1. Prepare enough room to play the games.
  2. Try to be alone with your student so there are no additional distractions.
  3. Be familiar with the content of the games.
  4. Be familiar with the game directions and instructions.
  5. Understand the goal of each game: To teach the Alphabet A through F by name
  6. If a reward is necessary, have you prepared ahead of time to make the offer?
  7. A reward should not be given unless all the expectations are met.
  8. The expectations should not exceed the abilities of the student.

Make the letters of the Alphabet: A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e, F and f. Create these letters with masking tape on the floor. Walk around the outline of the letters by tiptoeing and whispering its name, or sound, repeatedly. The student and you, the supervisor, take turns walking around the letter and whispering.


The letters of the Alphabet: A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e, F and f. are written five separate times on 60 small different pieces of paper about the size of one fourth of an index card. These letters are mixed up and spread out all over an area of the floor. There are two containers lying on the floor. The mouth of each container opens to whichever direction the student will be facing. One container is for capital (or uppercase) letters. The other container is for lowercase letters. You, the supervisor, and student take turns using a broom to sweep the letters into the correct container.

Before sweeping any letter, loudly call out the letter by name.

If cards are swept into the wrong basket you remove the card and put it back on the floor. Keep a tally chart of errors: Student vs. Supervisor. (An adaptation of the game would be to sweep the letters in correct order.)


You, the supervisor, ask a question: "What comes before b?" (The student answers, "a"!) Ask the question: "What comes before c?" (The student answers, "b"!) Ask the question: "What comes before d?" (The student answers, "c"!) Ask the question: "What comes before e?" (The student answers, "d"!)

You may have to help your student say the answers. You may want to echo the responses. If your student is a child and you are the child's parent, you may want to tickle him or her when the responses are said together. Be sure that your student points to each letter you pronounce and also each letter that solicits response. Use your flash cards to do this or a homemade chart of the same letters.

You, the supervisor, ask a question: "What comes between a and c?" (The student answers, "b"!) Ask the question: "What comes between b and d?" (The student answers, "c"!) Ask the question: "What comes between c and f?" (The student answers, "d"!)

In all of the above, mix up the letters in the way you pronounce them so that the letters are not in sequential order all the time. This game should be played several times. If the correct letters are pronounced and pointed to each time then you can be sure that the knowledge of each letter's name will begin to solidify.

Variation: To make the game more fun, do the following: When the student gives the correct answer drop a quick shower of tiny, cut out pieces of construction paper over his head. Mark your index cards with color (crayon) and match the colors to the construction paper cut outs. When there are no more pieces of construction paper to drop, have the student pick them up one at a time, match their color to the index (or flash) card and identify each color by matching letter name. The second time around the student may give you, the supervisor, a shower with just the letters he has correctly identified.

You may have to help your student match the color if he or she does not yet know the colors.


Let your student develop his or her own style of rhythm to the fast pronunciation of the names or sounds of the letters, as you lay out the entire index (or flash) cards (A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e, F) on a table or on the floor. Pronounce the letters together as fast as you can while pointing to them at the same time. Say, "aaa bbb ababc" while looking at the six cards for A, a, B, b, C, c, and pointing to each. Now do it again. Say, "aaa bbb ab ab c aaa bbb ab ab c ccc baba bbba ccc baba bbba ccc baba bbba". Do this while looking at the six cards for A, a, B, b, C, c, and pointing to each. Continue the same way for the following letters: Say, "ddd eee fgfg ffg ddd eee fgfg ffg ddd eee fgfg ffg" while looking at the six cards for D, d, E, e, F, f, and pointing to each.

Make up your own rhythms but practice pronouncing the letters and pointing to them. Your student should try to be fast but accurate.


Remember to exaggerate through the melody the sound or names of the letters that the student needs to review. Exaggerate through facial expressions. Become animated whenever possible. (i.e. sway, move your arms and hands in the air, etc.) The student should have in front of him a chart of the letters being expressed in song. He should focus on the letters that are being dramatically described. If necessary, put your hand over his hand and point to the proper letters. Use the flash cards you made or purchased. At no time should the student be allowed to become distracted. The student should have his or hand at all times pointing to the alphabet letter referred to, as he or she sings each song:


The songs for this week will be a repeat of the songs for last week. Please review them daily!

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Copyright © 1997 by Bill and Janae Cooksey, All rights reserved. No part of this material may be published in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.