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Make the letters of the alphabet that are proving to be somewhat difficult for the student to learn.  Form these letters with masking tape on the floor. 

Tiptoe around the outline of each letter. Repeatedly whisper its name or sound as you tiptoe.

The student and supervisor take turns walking around the letter, whispering.


The supervisor holds up a letter and says "Give me a ______!
(Vary the pitch and quality of voice from a whisper to a shout!)

The student repeats the name or the sound in the same tone of voice as that of the supervisor.


The letters of the alphabet are written on small pieces of paper about the size of one fourth of an index card.

These letters are mixed up and spread out all over an area of the floor.

There are two containers lying on the floor. The mouth of each container faces the direction the student will be standing.  One container is for vowels.  One container is for consonants.

The supervisor and student take turns using a broom to sweep the letters into the correct container.

If cards are swept into the wrong basket, the basket guard (appointed by the supervisor) removes the card and puts it back on the floor.  (The basket guard may be an another person, the supervisor, or the student.)  A tally chart is kept of errors:  student vs supervisor.
(An adaptation of the game would be to sweep the letters in correct order.)


The supervisor asks a question:

i.e.  "What comes before h?"  (The student makes the sound or says the name!)

i.e.  "What comes between c and e?"

When the student gives the correct answer, a shower of letters is dropped over his head.

When there are no more letters to drop, the student picks them up one at a time, identifying each by name or sound.

The second time around the student may give the supervisor a shower with all the letters he has correctly identified.


The student is blindfolded and asked to say the name or sound of three dimensional letters that he can feel, but not see.  (The letters may be made from rolled up aluminum foil, or constructed from clay, or cookie dough.)


The student is asked to say all the sounds of the alphabet by himself.  If correct, he may ride the alphabet train.

The supervisor and student make train sounds and whistles as the student crawls around the room.  (The supervisor may want to crawl too, if so inclined.)


Designate certain letters as hoppers.  Say the alphabet. Whenever the hoppers are encountered, the student hops on one foot towards a preselected area. 

Designate certain letters as butterflies.  Say the alphabet.  Whenever the butterflies are encountered, the supervisor flies (by flapping arms and slowly tip toeing) towards the same preselected area.

Once the goal is met, the person skips back to the beginning point.  The first one to skip back wins.


Make puppets with paper cups and a marker.
Use glue and yarn for hair. 

With a string, hang several puppets from a stick and watch them dance as the stick is moved from side to side.

Use flash cards and the student mimics the voices of puppets (different pitches) in response.


Make the letters of the alphabet by tracing over letters already made (by the supervisor) from construction paper. 

Trace the letters with glue.

Shake glitter on top of the glue and let dry for a few minutes.  The letters will sparkle!


Some FELT letters (made or purchased by the supervisor) are put on a board covered with FELT.  The letters are put up in alphabetical order, but some are missing. The student must find the missing letters from a pile of other letters left on a table close to the board, until the entire alphabet is placed in correct order.

As the student looks for the missing letter he shouts "Give me a ___!"  When the letter is found the supervisor echoes the letter name or sound that the student just shouted out.

When there are no missing letters, the teacher says "Give me an A!"  The student responds with "A!"  The supervisor says "Give me a B!"  The student responds "B!" etc.(all the way to Z!)  As the letters are shouted out, they are removed from the board.  Each time the supervisor gets to Z: "What did you say?"  The student responds with "a b c" (all the way to Z!)

Designate certain letters to be the kind that the student stands up for, sits down when called, or shouts out. When the letter is said by the supervisor, it challenges the student to respond by sitting, standing, or shouting.
Vary this approach by changing the letter designation.


The supervisor puts several chairs in the middle of the floor.  On the seat of each chair is placed a letter, a few letters, or many letters.

Music is played and the student walks around the chairs to the melody.  He may dance, walk heel to toe, or crawl, as the supervisor directs.

(Suddenly the music stops!)
The student must say whatever letters, by name or sound, that he finds on the chair closest to him, when the music stopped.  Correct ones are removed from the chair. Incorrect ones stay until they come up again and are correctly pronounced!


Copyright © 1997 by Bill and Janae Cooksey, All rights reserved. No part of this material may be published in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.