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Have your student prepared with paper and pencil.

If your student doesn't write with pencil yet, then use crayon.

If your student doesn't write with crayon either, then make lowercase Alphabet letters on individual index cards. Make several copies of the letters that are repeated most often, especially the vowels. Then when you dictate letter sounds, your student should use the cards in proper order to form the letter combinations which you will say.

PREPARE FOR DICTATION! Make sure that you have gone over the following in advance. Your student cannot learn from you unless you know what you are teaching.

The short sounds of Vowels should be dictated now as short vowel sounds only. Be sure that you know how to say the following sounds. Cassette tapes are available. Email Bill and Janae Cooksey for information on how you can obtain a tape. If you say the following sounds in error, you will be teaching your student incorrectly and you will find it most difficult to reteach. Practice on your adult friends. Read the following together with your friends. If you do not ask for a tape, be SURE by preparation practice before you present these sounds to your student. Listen to their criticism and evaluate it according to what you have already been taught to see if what is said has any merit.

Remember the short sounds of the vowels in the following words. Go over the earlier lessons if you think you might have a difficult time. Review the Jingle Bell song. If you have an accent, you are strongly advised to inquire about a cassette tape.

You will find the short sound of a in the word cat.

You will find the short sound of e in the word met.

You will find the short sound of i in the word bit.

You will find the short sound of o in the word mop.

You will find the short sound of u in the word tub.


Say each three letter combination to your student as if they were words. Say each *pretend* word one at a time. Wait for your student to write the *pretend* word on his or her paper or wait for your student to form the words with the index card manipulatives if he or she is unable to write. When your student is finished, correct what he or she has written or formed before going to the next combination or word.


asp esp isp osp usp
ack eck ick ock uck
aft eft ift oft uft
alf elf ilf olf ulf
alk elk ilk olk ulk
alp elp ilp olp ulp
alt elt ilt olt ult
and end ind ond und
ank enk ink onk unk
ash esh ish osh ush
ask esk isk osk usk
apt ept ipt opt upt
ast est ist ost ust
ang eng ing ong ung
amp emp imp omp ump

bing cing (sing) ding fing ging (jing) hing jing king ling ming ning ping quing ring sing ting ving wing xing ying zing

bes ces (ses) des fes ges (jes) hes jes kes les mes nes pes ques res ses tes ves wes xes yes zes

Sounds should be dictated, written or formed with manipulatives, and read back.  The vowels should now be dictated with both the long and short sounds, but no rules given to determine the difference.

Vowels in the following words have a short sound:  at  egg  it  on  up.  Vowels in the following words have a long sound:  bay  me  pie (e is silent)  go  Sue (e is silent).

Say the following three letter sounds carefully. Each letter has a sound. Each vowel is a short or long vowel sound. Do not say both long and short vowel sounds in the same dictation. Make two words out of one word. In other words, say UG with a short vowel sound as in the word JUG. Before going to the next word, say UG with a long vowel sound as in the word HUGE. That is how you make two words out of one word. Say the following words both ways. Make two words out of each Alphabetic word below.

asp esp isp osp usp
ack eck ick ock uck
aft eft ift oft uft
alf elf ilf olf ulf
alk elk ilk olk ulk
alp elp ilp olp ulp
alt elt ilt olt ult
and end ind ond und
ank enk ink onk unk
ash esh ish osh ush
ask esk isk osk usk
apt ept ipt opt upt
ast est ist ost ust
ang eng ing ong ung


Copyright © 1997 by Bill and Janae Cooksey, All rights reserved. No part of this material may be published in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.