You may want to print out a copy of the following: READ the letters by their names with your students. Take a breath where you find the spaces. Uppercase and lowercase letters do not make a difference in how you say the "words".
Say "aye aye aye (Take a breath!) aye aye (Take a breath!) bee bee (Take a breath!) cee cee (Take a breath!) dee dee (Take a breath!) eee eee (Take a breath!) aye eee eye oh you (Take a breath!) etc. etc.
After you finish this exercise, repeat the same exercise by saying the short vowel sounds of a, e, i, o, and u instead of saying the vowel names.
Say "aye aye aye (Take a breath!) aye aye (Take a breath!) bee bee (Take a breath!) cee cee (Take a breath!) dee dee (Take a breath!) eee eee (Take a breath!) a (Say a like in cat) e (Say e like in egg) i (Say i like in it) o (Say o like in odd) u (Say u like in up) (Take a breath!) etc. etc.
aaa Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee aeiou A AA AAA AAAA AAAAA a aa aaa aeiou B BB BBB BBBB BBBBB b bb bbb aeiou
CCCC A B C ABC ABC AABBCC aeiou ABCABC a aa aaa aaaa aaaaa b bb bbb aeiou bbbbb c cc ccc cccc ccccc abc abc abc aeiou
Aa Bb Cc AaBbCc D DD DDD DDDD aeiou ABC D ABCDD ABCDDD ABCDDDD ABCDD aeiou DDD d dd ddd dddd ddddd abc aeiou
abc dab cd aab bcc dd Aa Bb Cc AaBbCcDd E EE EEE EEEE EEEEE e ee aeiou eee eeee eeeee Ee Ee Ee Aa Bb Cc Ee ABCDE abcde Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee eee eeee aeiou
eeeee AaBbCcDd E EE EEE EEEE EEEEE bbbbb c cc ccc cccc ccccc abc abc abc aeiou
ABCABC a aa aaa aaaa aaaaa b bb bbb aeiou A AA AAA AAAA AAAAA a aa aaa aeiou
DDD d dd ddd dddd ddddd abc eeEEeee aeiou abc dab cd aab bcc dd Aa Bb Cc aeiou
Dd ddabcddd ee abc ee Dd ddabcddd aeiou DDD CCC ccc AABBCC a b bbb abcde aeiou abcde ABCDE aaa bbb ccc ddd eee abcd aeiou
Dd ddabcddd ee abc ee Dd ddabcddd aeiou DDD d dd ddd dddd ddddd abc eeEEeee
Gg Hh Ii Jj aeiou F FF FFF FFFF FFFFF f ff fff ffff aeiou ffff Ff Ff Ff ABCDE aaa bbb ccc ddd aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gg aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou
eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gg aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou H HH HHH HHHH HHHHH h hh hhh G aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou
aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou aeiou 0 eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gg aeiou aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG aeiou
aeiou aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gggggg aeiou aeiou aeiou I II III IIII IIIII i ii iii iiii iiiii ii aeiou aeiou aeiou Ii Ii Ii Ii IIIiii IiiiI IIiiiII IIII Iiiii aeiou
aeiou aeiou J JJ JJJ JJJJ JJJJJ j jj jjj jjjj jjjjj aeiou aeiou aeiou Jj Jj J j Jj Jj JJJjjj J j Jj Ii Jj ijijiji aeiou aeiou aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou
aeiou aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gggggg aeiou aeiou 0 I II III IIII IIIII i ii iii iiii iiiii ii aeiou aeiou aeiou Ii Ii Ii Ii IIIiii IiiiI IIiiiII IIII Iiiii aeiou aeiou aeiou Jj Jj J j Jj Jj JJJjjj J j Jj Ii Jj ijijiji aeiou
aeiou aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou aeiou aeiou A AA AAA dddd ADADA a aa aaa aeiou aeiou aeiou B BB BBB BEEB BeeBB b bb bbb
Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp aeiou aeiou K KK KKK KKKK KKKKK k kk kkk aeiou aeiou kkkk kkkkk K KK KKK KKKK KKKKK k aeiou aeiou kk kkk kkkk kkkkk Kk Kk Kk KKKkkkk aeiou
aeiou L LL LLL LLLL LLLLL l ll lll llll aeiou aeiou lllll Ll Ll Ll lllL LLLlll LLllll LLlllll aeiou aeiou M MM MMM MMMM MMMMM m mm mmm aeiou
aeiou mmmm mmmmm Mm Mm Mm Kk Ll Mm aeiou aeiou klmkl N NN NNN NNNN NNNNN n nn aeiou aeiou nnn nnnn nnnnn Nn Nn Nn NNNnnn aeiou aeiou 0 NnNn O OO OOO OOOO OOOOO o oo aeiou
aeiou aeiou ooo oooo ooooo Oo Oo Oo OOOooo Oo aeiou aeiou aeiou P PP PPP PPPP PPPPP p pp ppp pppp aeiou aeiou aeiou ppppp Pp Pp Pp PPPppp Ppmnopmnopmno aeiou aeiou aeiou mnopmnopmnop ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO abcdef aeiou
aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmno AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkL aeiou aeiou aeiou F FF FFF FFFF FFFFF f ff fff ffff aeiou aeiou aeiou ffff Ff Ff Ff ABCDE aaa bbb ccc ddd aeiou aeiou aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gg aeiou
aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou aeiou 0 eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gg aeiou aeiou aeiou J JJ JJJ JJJJ JJJJJ j jj jjj jjjj jjjjj aeiou aeiou aeiou Jj Jj J j Jj Jj JJJjjj J j Jj Ii Jj ijijiji aeiou
aeiou aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou aeiou aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gggggg
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww aeiou aeiou Q QQ QQQ QQQQ QQQQQ q qq qqq aeiou aeiou qqqq qqqqq Qq Qq Qq Qq QQQqqq QqQq aeiou aeiou R RR RRR RRRR RRRRR r rr rrr rrrr aeiou aeiou rrrrr Rr Rr RRRrrr RrRrRr RRrrrrRR rrr aeiou
aeiou S SS SSS SSSS SSSSS s ss sss ssss aeiou aeiou sssss Ss Ss Ss SSSsss Ss Ss qrs QRS aeiou aeiou T TT TTT TTTT TTTTT t tt ttt tttt aeiou aeiou ttttt Tt Tt Tt TtttT Tt Tt U UU UUU aeiou
aeiou UUUU UUUUU u uu uuu uuuu uuuuu Uu aeiou aeiou 0 Uu Uu UUUuuu Uu Uu UUUuuu qu qu aeiou aeiou aeiou V VV VVV VVVV VVVVV v vv vvv aeiou aeiou aeiou vvvv vvvvv Vv Vv Vv Vv qu qu qu qu aeiou
aeiou aeiou QU QU QU qu VVvvvV W WW WWW aeiou aeiou aeiou WWWW WWWWW w ww www wwww aeiou aeiou aeiou wwwww Ww Ww WWwwwW WwWwWw qu aeiou aeiou aeiou rrrrr Rr Rr RRRrrr RrRrRr RRrrrrRR rrr aeiou
aeiou aeiou S SS SSS SSSS SSSSS s ss sss ssss aeiou aeiou aeiou T TT TTT TTTT TTTTT t tt ttt tttt aeiou aeiou aeiou ttttt Tt Tt Tt TtttT Tt Tt U UU UUU aeiou aeiou 0 UUUU UUUUU u uu uuu uuuu uuuuu Uu aeiou
aeiou aeiou Uu Uu UUUuuu Uu Uu UUUuuu qu qu aeiou aeiou aeiou V VV VVV VVVV VVVVV v vv vvv aeiou aeiou aeiou vvvv vvvvv Vv Vv Vv Vv qu qu qu qu aeiou
aeiou aeiou QU QU QU qu VVvvvV W WW WWW aeiou aeiou aeiou WWWW WWWWW w ww www wwww Xx Yy Zz aeiou
aeiou X XX XXX XXXX XXXXX x xx xxx aeiou aeiou xxxx xxxxx Xx Xx XxxxX Y YY YYY aeiou aeiou YYYY YYYYY y yy yyy yyyy yyyyy Yy aeiou aeiou Yy Yy YyyyYyyyY Z ZZ ZZZ ZZZZ xyz aeiou
aeiou ZZZZZ z zz zzz zzzz zzzzz Zz ZzzZ xy aeiou aeiou ZzZzZz zzZ ZzzZ qrstuvwxyz QRSTUVWXY aeiou aeiou Q QQ QQQ QQQQ QQQQQ q qq qqq aeiou aeiou qqqq qqqqq Qq Qq Qq Qq QQQqqq QqQq aeiou
aeiou R RR RRR RRRR RRRRR r rr rrr rrrr aeiou aeiou 0 rrrrr Rr Rr RRRrrr RrRrRr RRrrrrRR rrr aeiou aeiou aeiou S SS SSS SSSS SSSSS s ss sss ssss aeiou aeiou aeiou sssss Ss Ss Ss SSSsss Ss Ss qrs QRS aeiou
aeiou aeiou T TT TTT TTTT TTTTT t tt ttt tttt aeiou aeiou aeiou ttttt Tt Tt Tt TtttT Tt Tt U UU UUU aeiou aeiou aeiou UUUU UUUUU u uu uuu uuuu uuuuu Uu aeiou aeiou aeiou Uu Uu UUUuuu Uu Uu UUUuuu qu qu aeiou
aeiou aeiou V VV VVV VVVV VVVVV v vv vvv aeiou aeiou aeiou vvvv vvvvv Vv Vv Vv Vv qu qu qu qu aeiou aeiou aeiou rrrrr Rr Rr RRRrrr RrRrRr RRrrrrRR rrr aeiou aeiou 0 S SS SSS SSSS SSSSS s ss sss ssss aeiou
aeiou aeiou T TT TTT TTTT TTTTT t tt ttt tttt aeiou aeiou aeiou ttttt Tt Tt Tt TtttT Tt Tt U UU UUU aeiou aeiou aeiou UUUU UUUUU u uu uuu uuuu uuuuu Uu aeiou
aeiou aeiou Uu Uu UUUuuu Uu Uu UUUuuu qu qu aeiou aeiou aeiou V VV VVV VVVV VVVVV v vv vvv
aeiou wwwww Ww Ww WWwwwW WwWwWw qu aeiou aeiou I II III IIII IIIII i ii iii iiii iiiii ii aeiou aeiou Ii Ii Ii Ii IIIiii IiiiI IIiiiII IIII Iiiii aeiou aeiou Jj Jj J j Jj Jj JJJjjj J j Jj Ii Jj ijijiji aeiou
aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou aeiou F FF FFF FFFF FFFFF f ff fff ffff aeiou aeiou ffff Ff Ff Ff ABCDE aaa bbb ccc ddd aeiou
aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gg aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou aeiou 0 eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gg aeiou
aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou aeiou aeiou H HH HHH HHHH HHHHH h hh hhh G aeiou aeiou aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou
aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou aeiou aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gg0 aeiou aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG aeiou aeiou aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gggggg aeiou
aeiou aeiou I II III IIII IIIII i ii iii iiii iiiii ii aeiou aeiou aeiou Ii Ii Ii Ii IIIiii IiiiI IIiiiII IIII Iiiii aeiou aeiou 0 J JJ JJJ JJJJ JJJJJ j jj jjj jjjj jjjjj aeiou aeiou aeiou Jj Jj J j Jj Jj JJJjjj J j Jj Ii Jj ijijiji aeiou
aeiou aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou aeiou aeiou ggg gggg ggggg Gg Gg Gg ffg FFG gg aeiou aeiou aeiou eee G GG GGG GGGG GGGGG g gggggg aeiou aeiou aeiou I II III IIII IIIII i ii iii iiii iiiii ii
aeiou Ii Ii Ii Ii IIIiii IiiiI IIiiiII IIII Iiiii aeiou aeiou Jj Jj J j Jj Jj JJJjjj J j Jj Ii Jj ijijiji aeiou aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou aeiou A AA AAA dddd ADADA a aa aaa aeiou
aeiou B BB BBB BEEB BeeBB b bb bbb aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz tuv hij mnop aeiou aeiou ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Aa Bb aeiou aeiou Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm aeiou
aeiou Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx aeiou 0 Yy Zz bcd cde vwx efg klm qrs vwx y aeiou
aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz tuv hij mnop aeiou aeiou aeiou ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Aa Bb aeiou aeiou aeiou Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm aeiou aeiou aeiou Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm aeiou
aeiou aeiou Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx aeiou aeiou Yy Zz bcd cde vwx efgklm qrs vwx y aeiou
aeiou aeiou hhhh hhhhh Hh Hh Hh fgh fgh FGH gh aeiou aeiou aeiou A AA AAA dddd ADADA a aa aaa aeiou aeiou aeiou B BB BBB BEEB BeeBB b bb bbb aeiou aeiou 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz tuv hij mnop aeiou
aeiou aeiou abc abcd abcde abcdef abcdefg abcdefg aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefgh abcdefghi abcdefghij abcdefghijk aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijkl abcdefghijklm nopq nopqr aeiou
aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmno abcdefghijklmnop nopqrs aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnop abcdefghijklmnopq qrstu
aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqrs aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrst fghijk nopq ghijklm aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstu efghij klmno qrstu aeiou aeiou cd abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv lmnopqrstu pqr aeiou
aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw hijklmnopq mnop aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx nopqrs tuvwx z aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy mnopq uvw ab aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz qrs hij jklmn aeiou
aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqrs aeiou aeiou 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrst fghijk nopq ghijklm aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstu efghij klmno qrstu aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqrs aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrst fghijk nopq ghijklm aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstu efghij klmno qrstu aeiou
aeiou aeiou cd abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv lmnopqrstu pqr aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz qrs hij jklmn aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqrs aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqrs aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrst fghijk nopq ghijklm aeiou aeiou 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstu efghij klmno qrstu aeiou
aeiou aeiou cd abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv lmnopqrstu pqr aeiou aeiou aeiou cd abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv lmnopqrstu pqr aeiou aeiou aeiou abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw hijklmnopq mnop aeiou aeiou aeiou ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Aa Bb aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou
A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e, F, f, G, g, H, h, I, i, J, j, K, k, L, l, M, m, N, n, O, o, P, p, Q, q, R, r, S, s, T, t, U, u, V, v, W, w, X, x, Y, y, Z, z
When learning to write your letters always start at the top and move your pencil all the way down i.e. / (A) \.
Start at the left side when there is more than one tall part to a letter i.e. | (H).
Start at the top of all curved parts and follow the curve around i.e. ( (O).
Remember the following clue words: TOP! LEFT! FOLLOW THE CURVE!
The first letter in each
word of the following sentence is a clue to remember. TLFC means
TOP! LEFT! FOLLOW THE CURVE! Look at the first letter of each
word in the following easy sentence to remember. It should help
you. Tommy Loves Fat Cats!
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Copyright © 1997 by Bill and Janae Cooksey, All rights reserved. No part of this material may be published in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.